- Tania Sourdin (University of Newcast!e) 'Virtue Jurisprudence and the Use of Technology in the Justice Sector'
- Commentator: Thomasz Widlak (University of Gdansk)
- Julian Webb (University of Melbourne) 'Constructing the Virtuous Lawyer: Is there a Role for AI?'
- Commentator: Iris van Domselaar (University of Amsterdam)
- Sylvie Delacroix (University of Birmingham) 'Virtue Jurisprudence and its Relationship to Uncertainty: Human-Machine Interaction Design lmplications'
- Commentator: Anne Ruth Mackor (University of Groningen)
- David Opdeberck (Seton Hall Law School) "Counterfactual Version" of Legal Justiflcation by Virtue in Relation to Legal Decisions Made by Artiflcial Agents'
- Commentator: Silvia Corradi (University ofTrento)
- Juliano Marranhao (University of Sao Paul) 'Honesty About the Al systems in Law Courts'
- Commentator: Anastasia Siapka (Leuven University)
- Janna van Grunsven (TU Delft) 'Virtue-ethical Assessment ofWhich Context (In-person or Digital) Best Contributes to a Fair Process of Adjudication in Each Speciflc Case'
- Commentator: Amalia Amaya (University of Edinburgh & UNAM)
- Mihaela Constantinescu (University of Bucharest) 'GenAI Avatars, Virtue, and Responsibility'
- Commentator: Natali Helberger (University of Amsterdam)
- Sherman Clark (University of Michigan) 'High-Tech Touts: AI, Marketing, and the Virtues of Attention'
- Commentator: Edward Brooks (University of Oxford)
The convenors are Iris van Domselaar (University of Amsterdam) & Amalia Amaya (University of Edinburgh &UNAM).
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