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This conference explores how technology intersects with virtue jurisprudence in the justice sector. lt addresses questions about the compatibility of technology with Iegal ethics, the role of technology in enhancing or exacerbating virtues and vices, and how virtue jurisprudence can address the global justice gap. Key topics include the impact of technology on traditional judicia! virtues and the development of new techno-moral virtues.
Event details of Symposium Virtue, AI and Law
Start date
14 March 2024
End date
15 March 2024
A3.01 and A7.23


  • Tania Sourdin (University of Newcast!e) 'Virtue Jurisprudence and the Use of Technology in the Justice Sector' 
    • Commentator: Thomasz Widlak (University of Gdansk)
  • Julian Webb (University of Melbourne) 'Constructing the Virtuous Lawyer: Is there a Role for AI?' 
    • Commentator: Iris van Domselaar (University of Amsterdam)
  • Sylvie Delacroix (University of Birmingham) 'Virtue Jurisprudence and its Relationship to Uncertainty: Human-Machine Interaction Design lmplications' 
    • Commentator: Anne Ruth Mackor (University of Groningen)
  • David Opdeberck (Seton Hall Law School) "Counterfactual Version" of Legal Justiflcation by Virtue in Relation to Legal Decisions Made by Artiflcial Agents' 
    • Commentator: Silvia Corradi (University ofTrento)
  • Juliano Marranhao (University of Sao Paul) 'Honesty About the Al systems in Law Courts' 
    • Commentator: Anastasia Siapka (Leuven University)
  • Janna van Grunsven (TU Delft) 'Virtue-ethical Assessment ofWhich Context (In-person or Digital) Best Contributes to a Fair Process of Adjudication in Each Speciflc Case' 
    • Commentator: Amalia Amaya (University of Edinburgh & UNAM)
  • Mihaela Constantinescu (University of Bucharest) 'GenAI Avatars, Virtue, and Responsibility' 
    • Commentator: Natali Helberger (University of Amsterdam)
  • Sherman Clark (University of Michigan) 'High-Tech Touts: AI, Marketing, and the Virtues of Attention' 
    • Commentator: Edward Brooks (University of Oxford)


The convenors are Iris van Domselaar (University of Amsterdam) & Amalia Amaya (University of Edinburgh &UNAM).


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Roeterseilandcampus - building A

Room A3.01 and A7.23
Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
1018 WV Amsterdam