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The ACLPA offers both bachelor (LL.B.) and master (LL.M.) courses related to the legal profession. The center also provides workshops, lectures, seminars and post-academic education to third parties such as the SSR, the Council for the Judiciary (Raad voor de Rechtspraak), the NvvR, the Police Academy, and the Academy for Legislation and Government Lawyers.


Given its proximity to the legal practice, the centre is able to offer a unique type of experiential learning. This is incorporated into the wide variety of education organised by the centre:

Law Practice and Professional Ethics| UvA Study Guide 2023 - 2024, Masters course

Minor rule of law, professional ethics and integrity for lawyers (Togaminor), Minor | UvA Study Guide 2023 - 2024, Bachelor's education;

Education within the Amsterdam Law Practice, Amsterdam Law Practice - Law - University of Amsterdam (;

Postgraduate education.