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Mr. R.D. (Rachel) Rietveld

R.D. (Rachel) Rietveld LLM is co-director of ArbeidsmarktResearch UvA BV, lecturer and PhD-student at the UvA/TU Delft. Her research focusses on systemisation of open norms in law: how do judges reach their decisions based on open norms and how may Artificial Intelligence play a role in this process. Her daily research and work are at the intersection of law and technology. Therefore, she focusses on access to law, for example by developing expert systems (e.g. and by translating legal developments and trends into (data-driven) practical outcomes.
Faculty of Law
Information Law

Visiting address
  • Nieuwe Achtergracht 166
Postal address
  • Postbus 15966
    1001 NL Amsterdam
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